
“Ethical fashion is the recognition that there are human beings behind the clothes we wear”

Welcome to my Website, here is a debrief of my semester’s work! https://youtu.be/TMtKkrEr5Wc

This website was created for my McGill CCOM315 class and in these past months I have developed this project and created this blog to keep my loyal readers up to date on the latest affordable and sustainable fashion trends around the globe. This page is for fashionistas with a passion for our planet.

In addition, this page will provide readers with blogs about eco-friendly fashion as well as comparisons between popular and polluting brand names, and sustainable businesses.

Furthermore, in many instances I will be highlighting and analyzing the importance and presence of social media in helping raise awareness for global issues including by not restricted to sustainable fashion.

Welcome to my site, I hope you find what you’re looking for.